Chocolate Mia's Chocolate Rankings:

There are 5 Reese's Peanut Butter Cups which are are stacked up.
The Reese's Peanut Butter Cup is my top favorite candy. I love the mix of peanut butter and chocolate. It is such a perfect combination. They are so delicious!!
There is a KitKat rapper on top and below shows a KitKat Bar.
KitKats are AWESOME!! I love them because they give me a sense of calm and positivity. I've heard of the the slogan, "Have a break, have a kitKat!" It really means to take a break since you've done well.

There are a bunch of M&M's mixed together
M&M's are another one of my favorites! My favorite kinds of M&Ms are peanut and chocolate. They are good to put on ice cream sundaes!!

There are 5 pepermint pattys stacked in 2 piles.
Pepermint reminds me of sweetness. It reminds me of my supportive friends!

There is 1 hershey bar.
Hershey bars are delicious! They have a special taste and the milk filling is very soothing!!

There are a bunch of hershey kisses mixed together
Hershey kisses remind me of love and graditude. They remind me of family and friends!